Friday, December 11, 2009

Commentary on a collegue's work #2

Marsha writes about an article she came across about how racism still exits even after we have an African American president. Okay first of all he did win because of his race he used that t his great advantage and everyone saw that I mean what was his slogan? "It's time for change" everyone thought it was that he was going to end the war ha! he extended it, the change was that he was going to be the first African American president. And I don't see myself as a racist person, I mean am a minority being I am hispanic, but I just have never believed a single word Obama has said. I havent seen him tryung to help any racism that might still exist in out country.

Commentary on a collegue's work #1

Kosi makes a great argument that I agree with. This war has no meaning and no one truly knows anymore why anyone is fighting and dying over insignificant things. We should be focusing on better things than the war. Like school aid or re-establishing the crappy economy we have, we cant keep paying for a war that is not worth fighting for. In my opinion war is never good it just brings more trouble to the table and doesnt really solve much. And where is this change that we kept hearing last year? yeah just like I expected we said goodbye to the bad Bush regime to say hello to a crappier Obama regime. Are we just that stupid?

Electoral College

In the 2008 elections, I didn't vote. Mainly because I knew Obama was going to win so I didn't see the need to try to stop that from happening. I recently discovered that It would not have made any difference anyways if I had voted because we don't get to pick the president but the electoral college is the one in charge of that. what kind of BS is this? compared to the amount of people living in the United States, the amount of people electing our nations president sounds pretty insignificant. there's maybe about 300 million people in the United States and only 538 of those people actually pick the president. Aparently instead of directly voting for the actual president, us as ctizanes vote for the electors who then vote for the president. Now we must eep in mind that the members of the electoral college are allowed to vote for whoever they want regardless of which side of the political parties voted for them. I feel completely baffled.


President Obama just recently received the Nobel peace prize at the same time that our country is at war and he is escalated the war in Afghanistan and is planning on extending the war in Pakistan. A commentator in The Boston Globe refers to this award and acknowledges that Obama is basically a hypocrite for accepting this award but at the same time one can tell hes an Obama supporter for referring to Obama as a graceful person. Obama accepting that peace prize was basically a slap in the face to the war that he is still having go on. I am really confuse with this commentator because at the same time that he is critiquing he boasting about Obama. I'm sorry but why have a comment that is basically bipolar?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rathings Actually Matter?

Well first of all, I don't believe how anyone says ratings are important no one cares about them! In a political blog called media matter they discuss in a post that "you can prove anything with ratings-as long as you don’t provide the ratings" well I call this (and excuse my French) complete and utter crap. If the world is tuning into any political media just on the grounds of its ratings then what are we tuning into? I'll tell you what, a completely government run station. I’ve noticed that on today’s television stations we don't see everything we should; we just see what the government has basically approved for our viewing. Does this mean we are somewhat controlled even through the media by the government? I believe so. Everyone talks about how our nation is a free country but I don’t think so. Secretly (or subconsciously) our every move is controlled by the media and government. Saying or justifying a story or an event with the cause that it makes ratings go through the roof is just plain morally wrong. I agree with Mike Allen who wrote the piece on the blog, ratings are not a matter of opinion they are just mean to make a broadcasting station money.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Obama tries to motivate students with speech

President Obama gave a speech on September 8, 2009 to persuade students across America to stay in school and work harder in school. While he had much praise from many of the public, he had a handful of protesters who were waiting outside of the school where President Obama would present his speech. The protesters had signs with messages that said "Mr. President, Stay Away from Our Kids" and "Children Serve God, Not Obama".
In my opinion I think actually trying to approach our nations students is an action in the right direction mainly because there are so many high school students dropping out and ruining their futures. In an article published about high school drop out rates, it states that "
If the high school students who dropped out of the Class of 2009 had graduated, the nation’s economy would have benefited from nearly $335 billion in additional income over the course of their lifetimes, according to a new issue brief from the Alliance for Excellent Education".
“As these findings show, the best economic stimulus is a high school diploma,” said Bob Wise, president of the Alliance for Excellent Education and former governor of West Virginia.These high school drop outs are the generation that is supposed to control our future, if all we have is people that don't even have the courage to finish school then what do we have?,0,4460117.story